Wednesday, February 22, 2012


# {SubscribeRect

width: 300px;

min height: 125px;

clear: both;

float: none;

position: relative;

difference-bottom: 1em;

-WebKit-border bottom right radius: 6px;

-WebKit-border bottom left radius: 6px;

-MZ border radius-BottomRight: 6px;

-MOH border radius-BottomLeft: 6px;

border bottom right radius: 6px;

lower left border radius: 6px;


# subscribeRect. Top

{height: 63px;

position: relative;

-WebKit-border top left radius: 6px;

-WebKit-border top right radius: 6px;

-MZ border radius, the upper-left: 6px;

-MZ border radius-TopRight: 6px;

top left border radius: 6px;

beyond the upper right radius: 6px;}

# subscribeRect. the top. Logo {

difference-top: 1em;}

# subscribeRect street. Interface

{display: block;

width: 99px;

position: absolute;

top: 35px;

right: 10px;}

# subscribeRect Street . interface Li {

display: block;

float: left;

width: 33px;

alignment: center;

text-transform: uppercase;

font: bold;}

. ie7 # subscribeRect street. interface. ie7 # subscribeRect street. interface Li {

display: block;

float: left;}

. ie7 # subscribeRect street. Interface {

position: static;}

# subscribeRect street. interface Li {

color: # 474956;

text-decoration: none;

cursor: pointer;

padding-top: 24px;

opacity. 75;

transition: opacity. 2s simplicity;

-Health transition: opacity. 2s simplicity;

-WebKit transition: opacity. 2s simplicity;}

# subscribeRect street. Or interface: when strattera you hover {opacity: 1;}

# subscribeRect street. Or interface. journal {background: URL ('http://cache Jezebel COM / assets / base / IMG / Publishing / newsletter icon PNG .. ».) top center no repeat;}

# subscribeRect street. Or interface. facebook {background: URL ('... http://cache Jezebel COM / assets / base / IMG / Publishing / icons facebook PNG) top center no repeat;}

# subscribeRect street. Or interface. googleplus {background: URL ('... http://cache Jezebel COM / assets / base / IMG / Publishing / icon-GPlus PNG) top center no repeat;}

# subscribeRect street. Or interface. Twitter {background: URL ('... http://cache Jezebel COM / assets / base / IMG / Publishing / icon-twitter PNG) top center no repeat;}

# subscribeRect. carrots

{position: absolute;

top: 63px;

Link: left. '25 Ease;

-Health Link: left. '25 Ease;

-WebKit transition: on the left. '25 Simplicity;}

# subscribeRect. select_facebook. carrot {left: 199px;}

# subscribeRect. select_facebook. panel. facebook {display: block; transparency: 1;}

# subscribeRect. select_facebook. panel. facebook IFRAME {difference-top: 5px;}

# subscribeRect. select_facebook street. Or interface. facebook {opacity: 1;}

# subscribeRect. select_googleplus. carrot {left: 199px;}

# subscribeRect. select_googleplus. panel. googleplus {display: block; transparency: 1;}

# subscribeRect. select_googleplus. panel. googleplus IFRAME {difference-top: 5px;}

# subscribeRect. select_googleplus street. Or interface. googleplus {opacity: 1;}

# subscribeRect. select_newsletter. carrot {left: 265px;}

# subscribeRect. select_newsletter. panel. Bulletin {display: block; transparency: 1;}

# subscribeRect. select_newsletter street. Or interface. Bulletin {opacity: 1;}

# subscribeRect. select_twitter. carrot {left: 232px;}

# subscribeRect. select_twitter. panel. Twitter {display: block; transparency: 1;}

# subscribeRect. select_twitter. panel. Twitter IFRAME {difference-top: 5px;}

# subscribeRect. select_twitter street. Or interface. Twitter {opacity: 1;}

# subscribeRect. bottom {

field: 16px 16px 16px 0;

Font size: 13px;

line-height: 19px;}

/ * Havre font size fix * / # #

Passersby subscribeRect. below

# # Jezebel subscribeRect. below,

# # Deadspin subscribeRect. below,

# # Fleshbot subscribeRect. Lower {font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px;}

# subscribeRect. below. Panel {>> << Health transition: opacity. '25 Ease;

-display: none;

opacity: 0;}

HTML5 # subscribeRect. panel. Twitter. label {display: block;}. HTML5 # subscribeRect. panel. newsletter. Subscribe {

. Display: box;

Display: MH-titles;


boxes orient: horizontal;

MOH box orientation: horizontal ;

-WebKit-box orientation: horizontal;

-width: 270px;

field: 3px 0px;}

HTML5 # subscribeRect. panel. newsletter. newsletter_signup entry # {newsletter_email

what are some symptoms of pneumonia

. box-FLEX: 1;

MOH window-FLEX: a;

-WebKit-field-FLEX: 1;

-width: 180px;

height: 22px;

color: # 999;}

# subscribeRect. select_newsletter. panel. newsletter. Button {margin-left. 5em; difference-top:-3px;}

# subscribeRect label {padding: 0 0 3px 0; display: block;}

/ ** specific areas ** /

# {subscribeRect background color: # EBEEDD, color: # 474956;}

# subscribeRect. top {background color: # CAD2A7;}

# # bystanders subscribeRect {background color: # F2F4F7;}

# # bystanders subscribeRect. top {background color: # 8C93A9;}

# # Gizmodo subscribeRect {background color: # F2F4F8;}

# # subscribeRect Gizmodo. top {background color: # 3697B3;}

# # Gizmodo subscribeRect street. interface Li {color: # F2F4F8;}

# # Deadspin subscribeRect {background color: # F0F0F0;}

# # Deadspin subscribeRect. top {background color: # 2CD5C7;}

# # Jezebel subscribeRect {background color: # E2F2F0;}

# # subscribeRect Jezebel. top {background color: # ABBABA;}

# # io9 subscribeRect {background color: # f2f2f2;}

# # io9 subscribeRect. top {background color: # AF8F9D;}

# # Kotaku subscribeRect {background color: # FAFCFF;}

# # subscribeRect Kotaku. top {background color: # C0CDDB;}

# # Jalopnik subscribeRect {background color: # DBE0E4;}

# # Jalopnik subscribeRect. top {background color: # 417FB9;}

# # Jalopnik subscribeRect street. interface Li {color: # DBE0E4;}

# # Fleshbot subscribeRect {background color: # FFECF4;}

# # Fleshbot subscribeRect. top {background color: # C74C7F;}

# # Fleshbot subscribeRect street. interface Li {color: # FFECF4;}. newsletter_signup. ValidationMessage. newsletter_signup. cn_message {

background color: # 000;

background color: RGBA (. 0, 0, 0, 0 75)

border radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;

color: # FFFFFF;

padding: 5px;

position: absolute;

alignment: center;

width: 176px;

top: 110px;

}. newsletter_signup. ValidationMessage. newsletter_signup. cn_message: blank {display: none;}

# subscribeRect. top h4 {

padding: 0;

margin: 0;

position: relative;

top: 10px;

left: 10px;

text-transform : uppercase;

Font size: 18px;

color: # FFF;

opacity: 0. 8;}

# subscribeRect. top h4. followsite {font: bold, opacity: 1;}

# subscribeRect. cn_message {display: none;}

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